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    Dettagli della ricerca

  • Categoria:
  • Svolta da: Pantone V. , Laurenza A. G. , Annese C. , Comparelli R. , Fracassi F. , Fini P. , Nacci A. , Russo A. , Fusco C. , D’Accolti L.
  • Luogo: GreenSwitch
  • Data: 25 Giugno 2017

    Informazioni di contatto

  • Zona Industriale Località Macchia 75013 Ferrandina Matera
  • Centralino Tel +39 0835 1795300
  • [email protected]

Preparation and Characterization of Soybean Oil-Based Polyurethanes for Digital Doming Applications

Polyurethane-resin doming is currently one of the fastest growing markets in the field of industrial graphics and product identification. Semi-rigid bio-based polyurethanes were prepared deriving from soybean oil as a valuable alternative to fossil materials for digital doming and applied to digital mosaic technology.

Bio-resins produced can favorably compete with the analogous fossil polymers, giving high-quality surface coatings (ascertained by SEM analyses). In addition, polyurethane synthesis was accomplished by using a mercury- and tin-free catalyst (the commercially available zinc derivative K22) bringing significant benefits in terms of cost efficiency and eco-sustainability.

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